Monday, August 31, 2009

Millie's Fling - Jill Mansell

Millie's Fling is Jill Mansell's latest North American release from Sourcebooks.

Millie Brady is just trying to figure out how to avoid what she thinks may be a marriage proposal from Neil, when she spots a woman standing near to the edge of a cliff. She can't be thinking of....Millie hops out of the car and runs to the woman. Author Orla Hart was indeed thinking of jumping, but Millie's intervention changes her mind. Orla is so taken with Millie that she decides to make her next novel reality based. Millie's reality that is - with the names changed of course. And Orla just might help the plot along a little bit.....

Tangled love lives, missed opportunities and signals, mistaken cues and Millie's job as a rollerskating gorillagram all combine to create a wonderfully charming, humorous and absolutely delightful tale. We know what's going on (or not as the case may be) and the plot pieces fall neatly into place by the end, but it is the ride (read) there that is so much fun.

Mansell has created yet another warm, wonderful lead character in Millie. She is quirky, endearing and someone you would love to have as a friend.

The supporting cast is no less appealing. Everyone knows someone just like Millie's best friend Hester - not quite content with what she has until it's too late. Millie's ex-employers - the couple that do everything together had me laughing out loud. Lothario Lucas turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Being a fan of all things British, I instantly had a mental image once Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen was used as a reference.

This is a great read that will have you laughing out loud and wishing you lived in Newquay with Millie and her friends. Fans of chick lit - if you haven't read Mansell yet - what are you waiting for!?

Jill is on virtual tour this week - stops are listed below. Make sure you stop back tomorrow for a guest post and giveaway with Jill!

Aug. 31: Novel Thoughts Blog
Sept. 1: A Bookworm’s World
Sept. 2: Booking Mama
Sept. 3: Cindy’s Love of Books
Sept. 4: Savvy Verse & Wit
Sept. 7: My Friend Amy
Sept. 8: Night Owl Romance
Sept. 9: Scribe Vibe
Sept. 10: Books by TJ Baff
Sept. 11: Diary of an Eccentric


  1. *insert girly scream here* I absolutely love Jill Mansell! Thanks a ton for the review and I'll be back tomorrow!

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun! I need to read more giggle-inducing books.

  3. I love Jill Mansell!!! Thanks for the review =)

  4. This sounds really cute. I haven't read Jill Mansell yet, but it sounds like I really need to. I'm looking forward to reading the interview.

  5. Luanne, could you post the page number so I can check the MEND reference? I need to see it in context...
    So glad you enjoyed the book. I'll be back tomorrow!
    Jill x

  6. I just adore Mansell's fun books. I'm finishing up this one this week.

  7. Hi Jill - it's page 29 midway down in my ARC version.

    "They had been Mends for too long, that was the trouble. Millie knew her inside out."

  8. Jill Mansell's books are so much fun! I've never heard MEND used either.

  9. Oh, I haven't seen an ARC but I have a finished copy and it says friends, so it was just a printing error that's now been rectified. What a shame - I like the idea of a word that means a cross between mates and friends!
    Thanks for letting me know about it. I'll still be back tomorrow!
    Jill x

  10. Millie's Fling sounds like a wonderful read!

  11. Sounds great! I'm hoping to pick this book up soon.

  12. Well it's been determined that MEND was a typo in my ARC, but mate and friend is kind of a nice combo!

  13. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. I'll be starting it very soon. Great review!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  14. I do love this cover! It looks like something I would have doodled on my notebooks in high school. I'll have to give this author a try one day.


Thank you for stopping by - your comments are much appreciated!