Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The Unlucky Ones - Hannah Morrissey

The Unlucky Ones is Hannah Morrissey's new book and the fourth entry in her Black Harbor series.
We met Hazel in the first book. She was a night transcriber for the police department in Black Harbor. She fled from  everything - her lover, her husband, her job, the crime and the pull of the dark water at the bridge. Eight years have passed and Hazel needs answers. But she doesn't know what the questions are. There are a number of characters from book one returning in this latest. 

The setting is dark and dangerous. Menacing and gritty. Morrissey has done a wonderful job bringing it to life. Grit lit.

Just as good is the plotting. It could have been ripped from the crime section of the newspaper. But Morrissey puts her own stamp on things. I had no idea what would happen next. I couldn't put the book down.

I really, really hope we see Hazel again. And if that's not in the cards - Black Harbor again. A five star read for me.

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