Monday, March 18, 2024

The #1 Lawyer - James Patterson and Nancy Allen

New from James Patterson and Nancy Allen - The #1 Lawyer -  releases today! 

Patterson and Allen take us down to Biloxi, Mississippi and to the law office of Stafford Lee Penney. Stafford Lee hasn't lost a case yet - hence the #1. But you know what they say - what goes up, has to come down....

I have always enjoyed legal thrillers. The machinations behind closed doors, the hunt for a clue, a witness, that 'thing' that will turn the tables and secure a favorable win. In this case Stafford Lee is a defense lawyer. I enjoy the theatrics of the courtroom, the keen eyes that 'read' the jurors and the abilty to turn tactics on the spot. 

Patterson and Allen give us a great case in the first few chapters of the book. And it was everything I detailed above. There's a great surprise at the end of that case that caught me off guard. And the book took a different direction. One I was happy to follow! The direction the plot took kept me engaged.

Now, the characters. Stafford Lee is a good lead and embodies what you would expect in a lawyer as a lead. He thinks quick on his feet, but again - that up has to come down. I really liked Jenny, the firm's private eye. She's tough, thinks for herself and is driven.

The novel is told in short chapters and succinct sentences - classic Patterson style. Nancy Allen is a lawyer herself and the book benefits from that inside knowledge. Patters and Allen have co-written two previous legal tales together. I wonder if there will be a second book with Stafford Lee and company? I would happily pick it up.

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