Thursday, March 14, 2024

Finlay Donovan Rolls the Dice - Elle Cosimano

Finlay Donovan is back! Elle Cosimano has just released the fourth book in this series - Finlay Donovan Rolls the Dice.  

This latest picks up exactly where number three left off - with our lead characters Finlay and Vero in the middle of another crazy situation. This time they're in a rundown hotel in Atlantic City. With Finlay's mother, her kids, her ex, her sister, four policemen, a mob boss, Vero's beau, a bookie, a teen computer wiz much more. Whew! 

The two leads bounce off each other and complement each other with different outlooks, strengths and weaknesses. Their dialogue is short and snappy. And I really like Finlay's inner thoughts.

Is this a dark murder mystery series? Well, no, it's not dark, despite the trail of dead bodies that seem to follow the pair. Also woven into the novel is a romance for Finlay. Did I mention she's a romance author as well.

Yes, the plot is over the top and there's a wealth of characters, but that's the fun with a read like this. Just go with it and see where Cosimano takes you. Keep your eyes for Kevin Bacon!

Many loose threads are tied up in the final chapters ... except that one... I look forward to the next book!

It was easy for me to jump back into the ongoing plot as I've read the previous three entries. I do think that a new reader would enjoy the series more if they started with book number one.

Fans of Janet Evanovich would enjoy this series. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Finlay Donovan Rolls the Dice.

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