Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Antique Hunter's Guide to Murder - C. L. Miller

The Antique Hunter's Guide to Murder is C.L. Miller's wonderful debut novel.

The cover immediately caught my eye. It promised a great listen - and it delivered. I've become addicted to cosy murder tales lately. 

I liked that Miller introduced the book herself. I'm always curious about how a plot is devised. Miller has lots of background herself in the antique world and that adds a great deal to the book.

What is the plot you ask? From the publisher "...a former antique hunter investigates a suspicious death at an isolated English manor, embroiling her back in the dangerous world of tracking stolen artifacts." Ahh, an isolated manor in England? Perfect setting of course. A wealth of characters to choose from for the 'culprit'. Check. (And I admit, I had picked wrongly for final reveal! Freya is a lead character you'll quite like. Her personal life is tied to the past - will she take her life back? Her Aunt Carole is a great character for the supporting role. Her acting skills and personality are fun to see and hear. 

The premise is a good one, the setting is perfect for this tale, is a wonderful debut and I would be quite happy to see Freya again!

I chose to listen to The Antique Hunter's Guide to Murder. The reader was Emilia Fox and she was a great choice. Her voice is rich and she has a lovely English accent. Her voice is so easy on the ears. The pacing was just right. She has lots of movement in her speaking, capturing the tension, action and emotions of the book. Fox interprets and presents Fox's work very well. I think this one worked better as an audio book for me. Also, there's a great interview at the end with C. L. Miller. Hear for yourself - listen to an audio excerpt of The Antique Hunter's Guide to Murder.


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