Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Queens of London - Heather Webb

Queens of London is Heather Webb's new novel. I knew it was one I wanted to read when I discovered that Webb took inspiration from actual historical events. She's woven fact and fiction into Queens of London.

Who are the Queens you ask? "Diamond Annie" is the Queen of the all women's criminal gang, Forty Elephants. The opening prologue gives you a good idea of how tough these women are. And what they are capable of. The book is set in 1925, post WWI. Money is short and this is how the gang makes their ends meet - and a little bit more. Much more is what they want...

Hot on Annie's heels is Detective Lilian Wyles - a woman who has who has fought her way into the male dominated Scotland Yard. There are two other characters who play pivotal roles in Queens of London - a clerk in a department store and a young woman named Hari. I had my favorite, but each woman has their own story. Oh, there's a great little dog as well. Each of the four women is given a point of view with their own chapters. 

There's also lots of action in the book that will keep the reader reading 'just one more chapter'. 

Queens of London explores women's roles in this time frame. All four women - on both sides of the law - want nothing more than to just have a say in how they're treated and the expectations piled on them. Society and mores of the timeframe dictates an opposite model from what they want. As the book progresses, the reader can see the writing on the wall...

This was a first read of Webb for me and I have to say I really enjoyed this latest book. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Queens of London.

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