Monday, December 2, 2019

Christmas Shopaholic - Sophie Kinsella

Christmas seems to have crept up on me this year and I know I need to get started on my shopping. But, the ninth book - Christmas Shopaholic - in Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic series is here! And surely a book about shopping and Christmas could inspire me - right?

Those of you familiar to the series will be happy to hear that this latest is a return to the 'old Becky' if you will. (I must admit that the last two books that took Becky to the US fell flat for me.)

Becky's love of shopping has not lessened. Or the predicaments she gets herself into. (And these are so much fun!) All of it is done with the best of intentions of course. But the pressure is on this year - Becky will be hosting the family Christmas.

It takes a bit to make me laugh out loud at a book, but Kinsella had me giggling many, many times throughout Christmas Shopaholic. Just what I needed! Just beneath that humour are some truths as well - family, friends and what is truly important.

I enjoyed catching up with Becky and all of the supporting players. I feel like I've come to know them all and hearing what they're up to is like catching up with old friends.

This latest was perfect reading for the season. The door has been left open for the tenth entry in Becky Brandon, nee Bloomwood's life. I look forward to it! But for now - here's an excerpt of Christmas Shopaholic.


bermudaonion said...

I've found this series to be pretty uneven. I'm glad this book is on track.

Dianna said...

I read the first 3 books in the series, but then it fizzled out for me. It's unusual for me to read many books in a series, though.

holdenj said...

Just picked it up at the library!