- You can't judge a book by its cover - which is very true.
But you can like one cover version better than another....
US cover |
UK cover |
Oh, it's not releasing until August '19, but
Ruth Ware has a new
book coming out called The Turn of the Key! The US cover is on the left and the
UK cover is on the right. Well, the first thing I really like is the title. It evokes danger, suspense and something or someone unknown behind a door....Two very dark looks this week. The US cover is more stark. I had a closer look at the lines around the lock and they are scratches. The UK cover seems like something I've seen before. Light on in a dark house, presumably in an isolated area with birds circling overhead. An easy choice for me this week - I really like the image of just the keyhole. So US for me this week. What about you? Which cover do you prefer? Any plans to read The Turn of the Key?
You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover is a regular feature at A Bookworm's World.
The keyhole doesn't appeal to me so I prefer the UK cover.
The keyhole is my favorite, US cover for sure! Yay for another Ruth Ware book.
Yeay! Another Ruth Ware book (too bad we have to cool our heels until August!)
But for me, this is yet another case where both sets of covers have aspects that I like but neither cover really has that strong ‘wow’ factor.
Like you mentioned, the scratches around the keyhole are intriguing - they really add an element of texture to the cover, and I also prefer the print on the US cover. On the UK cover, the birds are terrific on the dark green sky but I don’t care for the house or the style of print used for the title & the author name. So for me the US cover has the edge.
US or the win this week!
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