Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Guest Cottage - Nancy Thayer

I don't read a lot of romance, but summertime is just the right time for a feel good read. And there's still some summertime left - and time to pick up Nancy Thayer's newest release The Guest Cottage.

Thayer takes us back to Nantucket Island. (There's nothing better than a beach setting as you read on the beach!)

A series of miscommunications results in two renters arriving to spend the summer in the same guest cottage. Widower Trevor and his young son Leo, both still recovering from the loss of Leo's mother and Sophie, an impending divorcee, along with her children Jonah and Lacey. A compromise is met with the two families agreeing to share the house.

Uh, huh you can see it coming can't you - two lonely people.... But of course that path is fraught with will they, won't they, yes, no, and many complications along the way. Thayer blends in a secondary storyline involving the older man living in the attached apartment.

This is a romance novel, so the reader will have to suspend disbelief in some instances. The wealthy Bulgarian tycoon was a bit of a reach and somewhat cliched. And I wondered about some of those bumps on the way (the attractive best friend being one.) But, once I stopped trying to force hard realities into Thayer's story, I enjoyed the book. As I said, it's great escapist summer reading. Those looking for romantic fairy tale kind of read with a happy ending will absolutely find it here. And that's what summer beach reads are all about. Read an excerpt of The Guest Cottage.

You can connect with Nancy Thayer on her website as well as on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. I love those page turning books and Nancy Thayer hasn't disappointed in the past so I'm looking forward to this one too! Thank you for sharing and I hope to see you around my blog today



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