Monday, August 24, 2015

Fan Expo with DK Canada!

Fan Expo? Well, the term Comic Con might be more familiar to you, but Fan Expo Canada is currently the 3rd largest pop culture event in North America! And its happening Sept 3-6 in Toronto this year. You might be saying to yourself - Luanne are you going? Umm, no, not my thing (although Norman Reedus from The Walking Dead is going be there....) But boy, oh boy is it up my husband's alley!

DK Canada is also going to be there - and in anticipation, they've put together a great selection of books in their Fan Expo Boutique.  

"Want to find out more about the Avengers impressive roster of members? (Was Ant-Man ever a member?) Do you feel the urge to brush up on your Star Wars backstory in anticipation of the upcoming Star Wars The Force Awakens? (who did R4-P17 belong to?) Each of the titles here are perfect for fans who want to discover more about their favourite heroes, villains, TV shows and films! Fully illustrated with fantastic archival photographs and illustrations and expertly annotated text, these are books to fuel any fan's love."

And fans are going to love Marvel Comics: 75 Years of Cover Art. My husband did!

The book is arranged chronologically, starting with covers and superheros from 1938 right through to 2013. Each entry has a full colour picture of the comic cover, accompanied by a blurb detailing the year, the artist and the significance of each. (Note: not every cover is a full page - some are two up.) I loved comics when I was younger as, I had access to a young uncle's collection from the 1950's. I must admit - I ended up picking up the book a number of times and flipping through, and then I just went back and started at the beginning.  It's absolutely fascinating to see the evolution of cover art from pre-war years to the current movie craze.

Many I recognized, but there were some I'd never heard of - how about Patsy Walker who evolved into Hellcat? Or Millie the Model - I'd love to own this one. My husband was all over the ones he remembers - The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, Spiderman, X-Men and a host of others. And some were new to him - Devil Dinosaur and Moon-Boy!? (I was called over many times to 'see')

DK books are always quality - thick glossy stock, vivid, true colours, great information - and addicting. Marvel Comics: 75 Years of Cover Art is, well, simply marvelous. It's a great coffee table book - and everyone who has visited in the last few weeks has picked it and found something they just have to comment on.

75 Years of Cover Art comes in a tough protective sleeve and also has two prints included that could be framed. Hubby's rating - five star. (And I thought it was pretty great too!) Peek inside Marvel Comics: 75 years of Cover Art

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