Sunday, January 24, 2010

Denise's Daily Dozen - Denise Austin

Okay well let's just start off this post by saying...Denise Austin is 52 years old! Doesn't she look fantastic? Okay so how does she do it? Well she follows her own advice! It's a well kept secret but here right and exercise. A lifestyle plan - not a diet.

In Denise's Daily Dozen, she's made it easy for those of us who moan that they don't have the time. Here's the deal - she's come up with 12 minutes of exercise to do every day of the week. Each day targets something different - cardio, abs, upper and lower body, yoga and more.

12 minutes! I can do that!

Now to go along with the 12 minutes a day in exercise, Denise has created meal plans for three weeks as well. No crazy grocery list - just everyday wholesome foods from Denise's 'Power of Twelve' eating plan - 3 fruits, 3 veggies, 3 proteins, 2 grains, 1 fat. The nutritional info for each day is listed too.

There are lots of extras tucked into the pages, text boxes full of great tips on shopping, time savers, going green, inspiration - including pics and stories from successful 'losers'! One of my favourites were the tension tamers - really quick stretches you can do at your desk to relieve stressed muscles. Another great idea are the fidget-cizers. Exercise while waiting for the kettle to boil, the toast to pop or firm your butt while talking on the phone!

I really liked this book. I've chosen to go at my own rate - and I thinks that's the beauty of it. There is so much great information included you can't help succeeding - whatever pace you set. I'm looking to get moving more and 12 minutes is soooo doable!

The book itself is well laid out and easy to read. The pictures of the different exercises are clear and easy to follow. It's in a weekly order, with everything you need for each day - meals and exercises. What's nice? The work is all done for you - all you need to do is follow along.

Keep up with Denise on Twitter. Or you can find Denise on Facebook.

Check out her website too! There's a menu every day, message boards, exercises and lots more.

Sounds great eh? Make sure you enter my giveaway for five! copies ending Jan 30th.

I'd love to hear from anyone who has been following The Daily Dozen and post your thoughts.


  1. This sounds fantastic and do-able!!
    -- Kathleen (akprinz at msn dot com)

  2. I just saw this reviewed on someone else's blog too and they enjoyed it as well. Good to know that people like it. From your review the book sounds easy to follow. Your right, it is hard to believe the author is 52!

  3. I used to own tons of Denise Austen exercise tapes. They actually were a lot of fun. Sounds like she's made things easy with this book.

    Diary of an Eccentric


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