Luanne: I'm thrilled that Sourcebooks is releasing your titles in North America! With twenty titles, is there one that is your personal favourite or that holds a special place for a reason?
Jill: Hi Luanne, I’m thrilled too! I love all my books of course, but I have to confess I do have an extra-soft spot for Big Mistake, and I’m not just saying that because it’s the one just coming out. The scenes outside Wimbledon tennis tournament are my favourite. I’ve never camped outside there on the pavement, but never say never. Who knows, I may get to give it a go this year!
Luanne: I've heard about the Harley Davidson pen (not sure if everyone has!) - but are there other routines you follow when writing? Same time? Same place? Or can you write anywhere?
Jill: I only really write in two places – in my bedroom, in bed, with a great view over the sports fields behind our house (Lovely sportsmen…). Or downstairs in our living room, with the TV on and lots of snacks to keep me going. I’ve just discovered the Ellen de Generes show and watch it every afternoon on cable while I’m working. I still write by hand, with my gorgeous H-D fountain pen, and my seventeen year old daughter types up my work for me, in between studying for her school exams.
Luanne: How do you plan your novels? Do you map out the entire plot at the beginning or does the book evolve as it progresses?
Jill:A bit of each. I’ll start off with one plot idea, then basically keep adding to it as the characters come to life and start doing things for themselves. I usually know what’s going to happen in the next twenty or thirty pages- after that it all gets a bit of a blur, although we do of course know that there will eventually be happy endings for those who deserve them!
Luanne: Your characters and plots are warm, witty and very funny. Where do you get your ideas/inspirations? Are any of the situations drawn from your life or those close to you?
Jill: My daughter tells me that my characters sound exactly like me and say the things I say – she finds it quite surreal! Some situations are made up, but others come from my own experiences, such as the paintballing scenario in the book. Do you have paintballing in the States? It was something I’d never done before and it left a big impression on me, so it would have been a big shame not to use it.
Luanne: What was the inspiration for Miranda's Big Mistake?
Jill: I think hair salons are fab places to spend time. The secrets! The gossip! The things people say that they wouldn’t say anywhere else! If it wasn’t for all those things, I’d never go – I’d just stay home and cut my hair myself!
Luanne: Can you give us a sneak peek into you're working on now?
Jill: I’ve just finished my next book, which is about a female limo driver and a gorgeous male sculptor who creates larger than life wire sculptures. And as it’s my birthday soon, I’ve commissioned a wire-sculptor to create me a piece for our garden! America-wise, my next book to be released is called Millie’s Fling. It’s set in Cornwall and features a best-selling author with a catastrophic love-life and a roller-skating Gorilla-gram…
Luanne: I would love to visit Great Britain some day. I'm a Canadian - have you ever been to Canada? Or any plans to come on a book tour?
Jill: I’ve never been to Canada, but would love to. It’s always a possibility, depending on how well my books sell.
Luanne: Many, many Canadians are die hard Corrie fans. (It's on 6 days a week on the CBC) What's your favourite television program? Or do you watch at all?
Jill: I watch heaps of TV and I love Corrie – I had no idea it was popular over there too! I also love ER, Oprah, America’s Got Talent and American Idol…if it moves, I’ll watch it!
Luanne: Any encouraging words for aspiring authors?
Jill: Never give up – it seems like such a cliché but it’s so true. I nearly gave up after my first book was rejected by agents. I’m so glad I didn’t. Also, write about characters you care about. Try and end each chapter with a bit of a cliffhanger. Oh yes, and never give up…
Luanne: What do you do to relax and have fun? Hobbies?
Jill: Eating out at nice restaurants is one of my favourite things. And shopping. And reading, of course.
Luanne: What's on your nightstand? (We're talking books here...)
Jill: Sarah Addison Allen’s Sugar Queen – I bought it yesterday and will start it tonight. Loved Garden Spells. I just finished Adriana Trigiani’s Very Valentine – good, but I preferred the Big Stone gap trilogy. There are so many Americanisms in VV that sometimes it’s hard to understand the story.
Luanne: I'm a nibbler when I'm blogging. What do you munch on for snacks?
Jill:Fruit gums. Crisps. (That’s potato chips.) Dried pineapple and mango. Fruit sticks. Coffee. Cheerios, straight from the packet.
Luanne: Do you have input into the cover art?
Jill: No, I leave that to the experts. I love my covers to bits.
Luanne: And this is a question that I'm hoping there is a short negative answer to - you have no plans to stop writing, do you!?
Jill: Never never never!
Luanne: Thanks so very much for stopping by! Can't wait to read Millie's Fling and find out what that gorilla-gram is all about!
Jill: Thanks Luanne. You have a great blog. I’m so happy you like my books. Love Jill x
And courtesy of Sourcebooks I have a copy of Jill Mansell's Miranda's Big Mistake to giveaway to one lucky reader! Leave a comment to be entered. Open to both US and Canada. Ends Thursday, June 25 at 6 pm EST.
I loved reading your interview with Jill Mansell! She sounds like a great author and a wonderful person. I can't wait to start reading her books.
I would love to win a copy of Miranda's Big Mistake! Please enter me in the contest.
Thank you for a neat blog and great giveaway!
Great interview! Sounds like such a fun book - I'd love to add it to my summer reads!
melacan at hotmail dot com
I can't write in bed because I get sleepy and fall asleep. :P
I'd love a chance to win.
I need to pick up her snacking habits! Much better for you than cupcakes and ice cream!
Please count me in. Thank you!
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I hope you do end up coming to Canada!
Great interview Luanne! Very fun to learn more about this author.
I love Sourcebooks books - they have some great authors.
I loved the interview and look forward to reading this book. Please enter me in the contest.
ktulanko AT aol DOT com
Great interview. I look forward to reading this book.
Please count me in - Thanks!
Great interview. I find it interesting to read about other authors and how they write.
I want to read this:)
Don't enter me. I'm reading Miranda's Big Mistake right now and I'm loving it. Jill Masell sounds like so much fun.
I'm definitely adding this book and her earlier books to my TBR list. I actually watch some shows on hair salons and Jill is so right about how much gossip and just plain fun things go on in hair salons. If I had the talent I'd so work at one =)
Wonderful interview btw!
mishtakes AT gmail DOT com
Great interview, thanks, please include me in the giveaway!
delilah0180 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Sounds good, I'd like to be included! tWarner419@aol.com
I loved the interview and review. I love a great reveng story!! LOL
Great interview!
The interview was wonderful!
This book sounds like a perfect book for summer!
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
What a really interesting interview. I'd love to win the book. Thanks for the interview and hosting the giveaway.
Great interview! i would love to read her book. please count me in.
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
Please enter me in the giveaway. I would love to read this novel
"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:
I'd love to read this book, enter me please :)
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
Sounds great! Please enter me!
Wow you still write by hand - impressive. sounds like a great read
msboatgal at aol.com
You say that "Millie's Fling" is based in Cornwall. Well, if you ever come to Canada do visit Cornwall, Ontario. I live 30 minutes from there.
Please enter my name in the giveaway. Thanks!
Writing in bed? By hand? Wow. You're more controlled than I am. I'd either be asleep, or writing so messy that you can't read it, all within minutes.
Thanks for a great interview. Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks!
I'd love to enter! This sounds like a great book11
Lovely interview... it sounds like such a great book!
I'd love to read this! Thanks for sharing~
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
ooh, sounds like a book to add to my 'want to read' list!
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
I love that she loves fruit gums, because it my favorite candy to snack on too. Hopefully she is aware of the Sunkist jellies which are the best. Great interview, btw.
Alicia Webster
would love to read this, thanks
I'd like to read this book. Please enter me in your giveaway.
abfantom (at) yahoo (dot) com
need some good summer reads
wow how intense is that mverrno@roadrunner.com
This sounds like a really good book!
This book looks fascinating - I would be thrilled to win. I too have always dreamed of watching Wimbledon live!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
nice interview con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
What an intersting sounding read. I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance. ecghick@yahoo.com
Well now I really want to read this! Would love to win.
I'd love to win. Please enter me.
would love to win this book- please enter me in your giveaway
Sounds like a good read
Brilliant interview!
I'd love to read this book!
exciting! thanks!
Wohoo thanks for the contest!
teagirl1 at telus dot net.
Would love to read this.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
his will be great for the summer
sounds like a great way to spend some summer reading time...
I would love to read this, it sounds great!
Thanx for the contest
I'm becoming desperate to read this book! Fun and informative interview!
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com
Great interview (and questions) Luanne! Hope to see more on here.
Thanks for the interview and giveaway.
chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com
Very good interview and sounds like a great book. Please count me in.
Would love to read this. :)
I would love to be entered please.
This book sounds like something I would really enjoy reading. I sure hope I win!
May Schultz
I would like to win her book-but even more I would like to win her daughter to do my typing for me!
smchester at gmail dot com
Ms. Mansell seems so down-to-earth. Very interesting interview.
winterset AT peoplepc.com
Please include me in this giveaway!!!!
delilah0180 AT yahoo DOT com
Very informative interview.
Please enter me.
Thanks for the giveaway!
sounds really good
chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com
Enter this bookworm in the giveaway.
the book she's working on about the female limo driver sounds fantastic...can't wait to read it.
Hi Both myself and my daughter are great sports fans. This book sounds like a very good read. I'm interested. Cheers
polo-puppy-fluffy AT hotmail Dot com
I love, love, LOVE Jill Mansell and have a collection of her books-but unfortunately not this one!!!! Please, please enter me! (P.S., I'm so jealous that you got to interview her, LOL)
Good luck to everyone!
I really enjoyed reading your interview with Miss Mansell and would really love to read her book.
I posted this giveaway on my blog at: gourdcrafter.blogspot.com
Fun interview I would love to be entered to win this book.
Enjoyed the interview! Thanks for the chance to win the book!
This book sounds like one of those fun reads, that you can't put down until it is done...would love to win this book...have not read this author before...she sounds great
This book sounds like a fun read...one that you cant put down...would love to win this one....have not read this author before, she sounds great
The book sounds great.
Please enter me.
Great site.
ktgonyea at gmail.com
Great interview! Sounds like a good book.
I've read great reviews about this author. Please enter me in the contest.
Always looking for good books! Thanks for the recommendation!
Please enter me allygotts567[at]hotmail]dot]com
Like you, I go into panic mode if there isn't enough books to read in the house. Guess what? I am in panic mode!!! Great interview and I am sure the book is just as good!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
Great interview.
13rubberducks [at] gmail [dot] com
I'd love a chance to win. What a great interview. I think I've found another author to check out.
i would love to read this.
After reading your interview, I would like to enter!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I'd really enjoy this book. Thanks!
Sounds like a good read - thanks for the giveaway!
luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com
The interview caught my attention and really sold the book. I am looking forward to reading the book.
I would love to read this book!
Thank you!
I love the fact that she eats Fruit Gums, I also do. How funny.
I would love to entered into your giveaway.
SamantharaeM at gmail dot com
Great read, great contest!
looks good need some more summer reads - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Thank you for the giveaway.
I loved the interview. I would love to read this book!
I've never read one of her books so I'd love to win this.
I love books and I especially love winning books, thanks for the chance.
I really enjoyed reading your author interview, and I'd love to be entered to win this contest.
Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
Thanks for your review of the book. It sounds like a great read. Thanks for the giveaway.
The book sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I love Sourcebooks and Jill Mansell sounds like a very interesting person and, being verbal, a wonderful author!
I love Sourcebooks books.
Sounds like a good read.
Love to read!
What a delightful interview. Please enter me for the drawing.
Would love to win this book!
Great interview!
Happy Summer!
Wow just discovered your blog! It is awesome. I too would love to read this book. Count me in please.
I love reading new books.
In enjoyed reading the interview!
I love how Jill says she has a soft spot for this book more than her other ones.
That makes me want to read it even more! I would love to win a copy.
I would love to be entered! Thanks for the chance!
hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com
Sounds very interesting!
I'd like to win this book. The interview was entertaining too!
Sounds like an excellent book!
Thanks for the interview with Jill Mansell. Can't wait to check out her book.
You make the interview sound as if we were there in person while you
were interviewing.
joan ferris
I would love to read it! Thank you for the giveaway!
I loved reading the interview with the author. She sounds like a great writer. I would love to win the book. garrettsambo@aol.com
I would love to enter to win a copy of this book. Please enter me.
nov231973 at gmail dot com
Sounds like a great summertime read. She sounds like a fun person.
I would love to read this!
I understand how difficult it is to understand colloquialisms. Sometimes I have that problem with Canadian, British or Australian authors. But I learn so much by sticking with it.
I'd like to be entered, thanks!
Loved the interview. Please enter me for this book.
I would love to win a copy of Miranda's Big Mistake! I loved the interview and review!!! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!
What's a fruit stick? That has me curious. :-)
Great interview! I would love to read this, it sounds like fun!
Great interview! I would love to read this book!
i would love to read this
Sounds like a good book. Please include me in the giveaway. heatherzilla(at)care2(dot)com
I love reading.
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