Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Main Character - Jaclyn Goldis

The Main Character is Jaclyn Goldis' new book.

I was intrigued by the premise. A noted author hires everyday people and interviews them about their own lives and then fictionalizes them. There's so much that could happen from this opening. Her latest lead is Rory. When the author gives Rory a trip on the Orient Express, she is stunned, but thankful. Until she sees who else is on board.

The mention and use of the Orient Express had me thinking of Agatha Christie of course. There are more Christie references throughout the book. Perhaps that is why I had an expectation as to what kind of sleuth Rory would be.

As for settings - the book moves across many borders. Goldis loves to travel and her story benefits from that knowledge.

But, here's the thing - I just could not get into this story. Nothing happened at all for the longest time. My attention had flown out the window. So, I put it down for a break. I did go went back and started at the beginning again, thinking I had missed something. On this round I found many of the narrators hard to understand. Some of the accents were questionable. And I didn't like any of  the characters all. No one stood out - instead they just blended together. And it became hard to discern who was talking. 

I think I'm an outlier for this book. This is a rare DNF for me. It just didn't work for me, but did for many other readers. See what they had to say on Goodreads.

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