Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Last Murder at the End of the World - Stuart Turton

The title of Stuart Turton's new book caught my eye - The Last Murder at the End of the World. I enjoy post apocalyptic fiction and murder mysteries, so this was an easy book to pick up.

I'm always fascinated as to what an author imagines for the 'end of the world'. I liked what Turton has come up with - there's so many directions the plot could take from the opening chapters.  

The end of the world is a small island surrounded by a poisonous black fog. Three elders make the decisions for the 121 gentle villagers. And then there's Abi - the artificial intelligence that speaks to everyone through their thoughts. When a body is found, its heralds the beginning of the end...

There's lots more about the island and the inhabitants to discover. Trying to solve a murder is a new situation for the villagers. Normally the elders take care of everything and their word is the final decision. But one villager is determined to get answers for not just the murder, but for the rest of their tiny piece of the world. They have 107 hours to solve the killing. 

In addition to some great world building is the characters' growth. Will they find the whodunit? Will changes take place? Will they survive the changes?

Something different for me, but I very much enjoyed it. See for yourself  - read an excerpt of  The Last Murder at the End of the World.


  1. Thank you for a review of a very “different” read.

  2. You're o Mystica! Thanks for stopping by!


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