Friday, May 31, 2024

Southern Man - Greg Iles

Greg Iles is a brilliant author. I've read everything he's written and enjoyed each and every one. The long awaited Southern Man, is newly released.

Southern Man takes place fifteen years, after the end of Mississippi Blood. Much has happened in those years and as Iles details what is going on Penn, I had a mental image of a war horse - older, scarred, tired but in it for the battle.

But what is that battle? Natchez is literally burning again. Is it is a new chapter in a long running race war? A son of the south is gunning for another race - that of the President and White House. He's got a shot at it, but at what cost?

The cost has been high for Penn, his family and his friends. The effort to set things right has taken many lives. The political machinations taking place closed doors, and on doorsteps is frightening. History seems to be repeating itself over and over. Hate.

Southern Man is an amazing story told from many time periods and voices. The slave histories were hard to read. As were the current happenings. I must be really naive as the backroom politics shocked me. Lives used as pawns and moved strategically. But then I thought again - this too has happened in the near past.

Iles has penned an incredible book with a myriad of plot lines and a plethora of characters. The tension never lets up as the narrative races to a finale I couldn't have imagined. But one that isn't too far from the truth. Bravo Greg Iles. 

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