Thursday, April 25, 2024

A Game of Lies - Clare Mackintosh

Clare Mackintosh brings her take on reality game shows in her latest book - A Game of Lies. This is the second book in a series, but it can absolutely be read as a stand alone.

Seven people are the chosen ones that will be vying for a prize of 100,000 pounds that will go to the last one standing. What they're expecting are physical challenges - but what they get is something completely different. The name of the game is 'Exposed' - and it's life changing...

Mackintosh takes us back to a small village in Wales - the setting of the first book. The village is on the dividing line between England and Wales and jurisdiction is sometimes murky. Two investigators are tasked with the case - local copper DC Ffion Morgan and English based DC Leo Brady. I was thrilled to see this pair of coppers again. There's a connection between the two, but neither feels like they can act on their personal feelings. I like the detailed lives Mackintosh has give the two lead characters. The supporting cast is just as interesting. And the contestants? An interesting bunch for sure. And who else is needed? Dave the dog of course. 
The setting is well described and I could easily imagine the hills, the water, the forest, the village and the game site.

Now - the crime. There are a lot of choices for the final whodunit. It wasn't easy to suss out the culprit or the method. Twists and turns in the narrative make it even more difficult. 

I quite this liked this latest! Hopefully Mackintosh has a third book in the works. See for yourself - read an excerpt of A Game of Lies. 

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