Thursday, March 21, 2024

Good Half Gone - Tarryn Fisher

Good Half Gone is Tarryn Fisher's latest release.

Iris was sixteen years old when her twin sister Piper was kidnapped. Iris witnessed the crime, but the police say Piper is a runaway. That was years ago, but Iris has never stopped looking for her. But, there's one name that keeps showing up in her searches ...

I liked the premise of the book and was looking forward to her investigation. The tale is told and a then and now style.

Once Iris got to the location, (I don't want to give that away), my spidey senses perked up. Things at this locale are just not quite right. Iris gets offtrack and I wanted to shout at her! Remember why you're here! The romantic line just didn't work for me. I had started out liking Iris and her determination. But it was like a different character as the book progressed. 

The pace picks up and there are some great action and suspense bits in this part of the plot. Fisher introduces more than a few twists and turns on the way to the final pages. Some of these twists ask the reader to suspend belief. And I just couldn't -  there was too much that was too far fetched. And just in case, the ending of the book is explained by Iris. And finally - the kidnapping was also detailed.

Sadly this was not a great book for me. There were many readers who quite enjoyed Good Half Gone. I encourage you to read other reviews on Goodreads.


  1. I've had several books that I've tried and finished or didn't finish lately. They just didn't work well for me. I'm on the hunt for some books that are 'outside-the-usual' for me. We'll see how I fare on that quest. ;-)

  2. I always feel bad when I don't love a book. But, you can't love them all! Let me know what you find on your quest!


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