Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Clover Hendry's Day Off - Beth Morrey

I like the cover for Beth Morrey's new book - Clover Hendry's Day Off. The title  immediately brought Ferris Bueller's Day Off to mind. In the author's notes, Morrey alludes to the movie as well. 

Clover is a middle-aged mom, daughter, sister, wife, friend and beleaguered employee. What would happen if for one day, she just did what she wanted and said what she wanted? Over the course of a day, Clover does just that. I think everybody has felt this way at some point and time. And how does that work out for Clover you ask?  

Well, that's the fun in this book. Clover hasn't really thought about her actions, instead she just jumps in. Some of her behaviour is fun, but some is a little darker and hurtful. So, the book isn't all 'Ferris' fun. There are some family and past issues that finally see the light. Clover's job is also a large part of the day. She works as a television executive. Morrey has a similar background and these parts of the plot benefits from that insider knowledge. While I appreciated the details 'behind the scenes', I found my attention start to drift. 

Overall I enjoyed the book, but I do think it could have been shortened up a bit. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Clover Hendry's Day Off.

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