Wednesday, November 1, 2023

When I'm Dead - Hannah Morrissey

Hannah Morrissey's third book, When I'm Dead, takes us back to the town of Black Harbor. But, this latest book can absolutely be read as a stand alone.

Black Harbor is the setting of Morrissey's books, dark, grim, foreboding, dusty and dirty from the coal mine backdrop. A place that everyone wants to leave. As much as Black Harbor is the setting it seems to also be a character - with its own agenda. Here's one example - but there are many more.

"He knows the haunting air belongs to Forge Bridge which isn't far from here, its rusted rungs and railroad ties groaning and whispering, beckoning people to its edge." Shivers! I love how Morrissey has blended this into the entire narrative.

Return readers like myself will be happy to see that Investigator Nikolai Kole returns in this third entry. He's an excellent lead - determined to do the best he can, knowing that his window of leaving is getting smaller and smaller. Other characters from the first two books take larger roles. They too are well drawn. The reader is privy to their thoughts on the crime, the why, the self rumination. This plays a key part of Morrissey's intricate plotting. I also liked how tendrils from the first two books have insinuated themselves into this book. 

Morrissey's writing is unsettling and so addicting. There's no way to predict where the plot is going to go. There are many many choices for the final whodunit. I thought I had solved the case, only to be proven wrong. I love being proved wrong.

A gritty, dark tale that's another five star read for me from Morrissey. See for yourself - read an excerpt of When I'm Dead. I'm hoping there are more stories to be told from Dark Harbor. #WHENIMDEAD


  1. I just read the first book in this series and got the second one from the library!

  2. Wasn't it soooo good! I hope you enjoy 2 and 3 Many Thoughts!

  3. I loved the first two, so I'm eager to get my hands on this one. I'm just a few spots behind on the library hold list. I may just break down and listen to the audio instead.

  4. I think it would be great on audio. Such a dark and atmospheric series.


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