Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Hemlock Island - Kelley Armstrong

I really enjoy Kelley Armstrong's writing. She's a prolific author and isn't bound to one genre. Her latest is Hemlock Island - a horror tale. (And it is a standalone)

That cover hints at what the reader is in for. What you'll find is a private island and a group of friends, family and frenemies. And more.....

Laney is the owner, but she has had to rent out the island and cottage to make ends meets. When a renter calls to report a closet with what looks like fingernail scratches and a lot of blood in a closet, Laney and her niece head to the island. This isn't the only 'thing' that's happened, but it has been escalating. Four other people join Laney, even though they weren't invited. 

There is definitely something wrong on island - very, very wrong. And that's all you're going to get from me. I always think going in cold is the best way to experience some books and I don't want to spoil it for you. Suffice to say that Armstrong has a vivid and more than a little scary imagination! Gentle readers, there are some gory bits.

But in addition to the horror aspect, Armstrong has written a strong plot that explores the personal life of her protagonists - in this case its Laney. The other characters we come to know through Lane's eyes, interactions and experiences with them. This is always a strong point of Armstrong's writing. 

The last chapters caught me off guard with an unexpected finish. Creepily good.


  1. I’ve had a warning re doing reviews with spoilers so I picked up tips from this review how to do one. Thanks.

  2. Oh, that's kind of you Mystica! You're welcome.


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