Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Hike - Lucy Clarke

I always enjoy looking at the cover of a book before turning the first page. The angle of the words here suggests a climb and the image used confirms that in Lucy Clarke's newest novel, The Hike.

We're introduced to four women that been friends for years. Life has taken them down different roads, but they try to get together at least once a year. It's Liz's turn to choose where they go. They're off to Norway to hike for four idyllic days. But....uh huh, there are some buts. 

Clarke does a fantastic job creating her four main characters. Their relationships are wonderfully drawn and are so believable. No perfection. And yes, you'll find some of the buts in those relationships, as each of them is harboring a secret. As the climb progresses those secrets come out - and their friendships will inexorably changed for all time. 

Another but you say? What about the others at the lodge? More than one of them triggers an uncomfortable response for the women. But, they're committed to the climb and ignore their Spidey senses.

Clarke has successfully woven an exploration of friendship alongside a page turning, suspense filled plot line. I couldn't put the book down - Clarke's writing is so addictive and 'readable', if you know what I mean. See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Hike

And on a side note, two of Clarke's books are on the small screen, with a third in the works.

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