Friday, June 16, 2023

Speak of the Devil - Rose Wilding

Speak of the Devil is Rose Wilding's debut novel. 

New Years Ave 1999. Seven women are gathered in a hotel room - along with the remains of a man. A man that all seven women have a connection to. Who killed him? Each women says they didn't. Does it matter? Will they be found out? Why are they all together? Why has he been killed?

It's this last question that brings us to know the seven and their connection to Jamie. Jamie - well, he's not a very nice man. Wasn't.

I found it a bit difficult in the beginning chapters to get a handle on and remember who was who. The eighth woman is the female detective running the case. As the book progresses we slowly learn about each of their relationships to Jamie - and each other. The women are all of different ages, so the book goes back and forth from 1964 to 2000, depending on who is 'speaking'. I think it's a big undertaking to have so many viewpoints. I found it to be very busy, and in the end, I hadn't bonded with any of them. 

I think Wilding did a good job with constructing her antagonist. He was perfectly awful. I wasn't totally sold on the women and their situations though. Although they have been wounded, I was angry with more than one of them. I won't say why as I don't want to provide spoilers. But, no man is worth some of the choices made.

The answer to the questions above are answered by the last pages, but the ending was anticlimactic for me. It's a good debut, but it isn't a standout for me.

I listened to the audiobook narrated by Colleen Prendergast. She has a rich, full voice that is a treat to listen to. She enunciates well and is easy to understand. Her voice has movement and underlines the emotions and actions of the plot. An excellent performance. See for yourself - listen to an excerpt of Speak of the Devil. 

Gentle readers, there are many triggers and this may not be the book for you.

1 comment:

  1. Author clearly hates men. "Victim" certainly deserved his fate but I got impatient with some of the characters, was sometimes hard to keep track or who each were so ended up having to take notes. I myself was an abused wife however I certainly don't view all men as misogynistic cavemen.


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