Friday, June 2, 2023

The Night in Question by Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson

I reach for YA fiction when I'm in need of an escapist read. I've been waiting for The Night in Question - the second 'Agathas' book from  Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson.

The first book (The Agathas) was so much fun to read, relive my teenage angst, and provided a nice murder mystery to try and solve before the final pages. (I love channeling my inner Nancy Drew). But it's Agatha Christie that is the inspiration for our lead characters Alice and Iris, and the rest of their cadre. WWAC do? The Castle Cove police are sloppy and take the easy way to a closed case. So our amateur investigators employ their own methods of detection.

This time 'round, the body is found at a school dance that was held at the home of a wealthy local family. The problem is that there's at least 150 possible murderers. The mansion is also the home to a historic murder that had a questionable resolution. Again, Glasgow and Lawson have created a'not so easy to solve' case. There's many a red herring on that garden path to the last chapters. Every time I thought I had sussed out the whodunit, a new piece of evidence changed my guess.

Take the time to read the quotes at the top of each new chapters. Some are from Agatha Christie and some are from a 1940's film star. Each one ties into the chapter it heads.

The characters are so well done and readers will be drawn to them. (Iris is my fave) The authors have really captured the teen vibe in terms of dialogue, actions, emotions and life in general. The setting is well described and easy to imagine. (Yup, a bit of a Riverdale feel) The murder is cunningly crafted and not easily solved. Loved it all!

See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Night in Question. And my fingers are crossed - I hope there's a third book!

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