Friday, May 5, 2023

The Last Word - Taylor Adams

Wow - I don't even know how to start talking about Taylor Adams' latest book - The Last Word!

I've read all of Adams' previous books. He's perfected the 'everyday person in a really bad situation' type of tale that keeps me on the edge of my chair every time. However, this latest has knocked it out of the park.

Emma is housesitting a remote home. Odd things start happening - sounds, smells, things moved - or is it all just in her head?

Next question - have you ever left a one star review for a product? What if the author or vendor asked you to take down the review? And you said no. And... yeah, I'm going to leave it there for you to discover what's next. Great premise.

The delivery of this story is cunningly and deviously crafted. Who is the un-named narrator and his point of view? Emma also has a voice. And the two narratives definitely don't match. It feels like two different stories are being told. (which made me so curious!) A critical event happens more than once (almost every chapter, in fact) completely changing the direction of the story every time. I'd be sad or angry about what has transpired, only to be proven wrong in the next chapter. Kudos to Adams for this twisty, turny tale and how it was presented. 

Yes, some of it is a bit over the top. Just go with it - you won't be able to put The Last Word down! I've often thought that Adams' books would make good thriller movies. 


  1. Here's another book that I've seen around but not paid much attention to. After reading your review, I decided to take the plunge with an extra Audible credit. I think the premise struck a chord with me since I did give a book a one-star review once, and the author contacted me wanting me to take it down. (I didn't.)

  2. I hope the reader is good, Cathy! It’s full of twists and turns so you’re gonna have to be on your toes. That’s creepy about the author contacting you……


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