Monday, September 12, 2022

Daisy Darker - Alice Feeney

I absolutely love Alice Feeney's writing. I just knew her latest book, Daisy Darker, would be another riveting read. But for those of you who haven't read Feeney yet, this description might interest you...

"A family reunion on a tiny tidal island leads to murder in this delightfully twisty and atmospheric thriller with a wink to Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None."

Daisy Darker's family is most definitely dysfunctional. And each of them is harboring secrets. The characters are all so unlikable, barring Daisy. But, they've gathered as a family to celebrate their Nana's 80th birthday. The tide cuts off the island for eight hours. And the first hour brings the first body. A poem written about the deceased on the kitchen wall. And clues to ..... well you can see what might be about to happen, right?

Feeney's writing is so addictive. And her plotting is so devious, delivering a twist at the end that can't be predicted. I love being caught off guard! The setting was so atmospheric - the isolation and the rambling house itself. Daisy is the narrator and we see things through her eyes as well as her memories of the past. Take the time to enjoy Feeney's prose as well - there are some gems in Daisy's recounting.

Loved it! See for yourself - read an excerpt of Daisy Darker. (Loved that name/title too)


  1. I'm planning on reading this one soon. Glad to hear your thoughts on it. I listened to a wonderful author event with the author at the Poisoned Pen Bookstore in AZ. Fun to hear her talk about her writing.

  2. Oh, that would have been good to attend! Hope you enjoy it!


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