Monday, July 18, 2022

I Told You This Would Happen - Elaine Murphy

I Told You This Would Happen is the follow up to Elaine Murphy's debut novel, Look What You Made Me Do

Quick catch up...

Carrie and Becca are sisters with very different temperaments - and interests. You see, Becca is a serial killer and over the years Carrie has helped her dispose of quite a few bodies. It's hard to say no to Becca and there's no telling what would happen if Carrie did refuse..... I'll stop there and let you discover what happens in book one on your own.

Both books are told from Carrie's point of view. In this second book, Carrie is finally able to take a deep breath as Becca seems to have left the area - at last. (Canadian peeps, if you live in Brampton - beware.) A group of local crime solving sleuths come up with a clue that may incriminate Carrie and disrupt the small window of peace she's finally found. And so begins another cat and mouse game featuring Carrie as both cat and mouse.

So, yes, you're going to have to suspend belief with some of the plotting. Despite Murphy's dropping of many victims along the way, this isn't a serious murder mystery. Instead it's a fun romp that would make a great addition to your beach bag. Which sound wrong, doesn't it? There's a lot of dark humour as well! 

I do think that reading the first book before diving into this one would give you a better reading experience. I wonder if there will be a book three? Read an excerpt of I Told You This Would Happen.

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