Monday, August 3, 2020

Dear Emmie Blue - Lia Louis

It was the balloon that sold me on Lia Louis's new book, Dear Emmie Blue.

Emmie was sixteen when she tied her contact information to a balloon and let it fly. The balloon made it from England to France, where Lucas found it. The two connected and have been the best of friends for fourteen years. Although....Emmie has been hoping it might become something more....

I loved the idea of a friendship starting with a found message. Louis does a fantastic job detailing the friendship, the caring, the banter and the ease of these two together, along with Lucas's older brother Eliot and their parents.

Emmie was such a great lead - she suffered a traumatic experience years ago and it has marked her life in so many ways. Along with the somewhat slapdash parenting her single mom provided. Emmie is kind and giving, but somewhat hesitant because of that background. The listener can't help but wish the world for her.

And speaking of wishes...we don't always get what we want do we? Does Emmie get her wish for a deeper relationship with Lucas? I'm not going to spoil things for you, but the path to true love is not always a straight line. And again, kudos to Louis for the excellent romantic plotting - so well written, believable and well, wishable. There are a number of supporting players - some you will happily dislike and others you'll adore. And you will need tissues at a few points.

Louis tackles some harder topics with a gentle and understanding touch. Well done. I really enjoyed Dear Emmie Blue and for me it was a five star listen.

As I said, I chose to listen to Dear Emmie Blue and I am so glad I did. I've often said it - I truly feel more immersed in a story when I listen. The reader was Katy Sobey and she was excellent. Her voice completely suited the mental image I had created for Emmie. Her voice is pleasant to listen to, easy to understand and well paced. She has a lovely British accent. The voices she created for the male characters were good as well and differentiated enough that you knew who was speaking. I feel like she 'got' the book and the plot and it showed in her interpretation of Louis's story. And those really emotional bits of the story? Yep, she had me in tears. Hear for yourself - listen to an excerpt of Dear Emmie Blue.


  1. I love the set up of this one!

  2. Ethan it was a really, really great listen! And I do love that balloon set-up.


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