Monday, July 20, 2020

Review and Giveaway - A Woman Alone - Nina Laurin

Oh, I must admit, I love psychological suspense fiction. Nina Laurin has just released A Woman Alone - and it's a twisty turny tale that you won't be able to put down! Bonus - I've got a copy to give away to one lucky reader!

Maybe you own one of those devices or use an app that allows you to simply speak and have something turned on (even remotely), programmed the way you like it or contacting someone. Chances are you do. What about living in a house completely controlled by an AI? (Artificial Intelligence) Venture, Illinois is a community of such houses. A place to feel safe and pampered. More time to do what you want. Your likes and dislikes programmed...and more. Cecilia, her husband and young daughter move into Venture. But, Cecilia feels like things just aren't right - and no one believes her...

This isn't a far fetched scenario at all. But the possibilities of how things might go wrong make for a delicious premise for a book.

Laurin dials the tension up by adding in secrets, twists and turns that you won't even see coming. Lots of chapter ending foreshadowing had me staying up quite late to finish the book. Honestly, I couldn't put it down - I wanted to know those secrets. Because everyone in the book is hiding something. And just as I got to the last chapter - Laurin got me again. No way did I see the last twist at the end coming! I really appreciate being surprised with a plot. And Laurin absolutely caught me off guard. Bravo! Have a peek for yourself - read an excerpt of A Woman Alone. And if you'd like to read A Woman Alone, enter for a chance to win a copy using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to US and Canada, no PO boxes please. Ends August 1/20.

"Nina Laurin studied Creative Writing at Concordia University in Montreal, where she currently lives. She arrived there when she was just twelve years old, and she speaks and reads in Russian, French, and English but writes her novels in English. She wrote her first novel while getting her writing degree, and Girl Last Seen was a bestseller a year later in 2017.  Nina is fascinated by the darker side of mundane things, and she’s always on the lookout for her next twisted book idea. "

You can connect with Nina Laurin on her website, like her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter as well as on Instagram.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love books with secrets! This sounds amazing :)

  2. Scary premise - fascinating!

  3. This novel sounds suspenseful and intriguing. Thanks.

  4. Oh, I want to read this. I have always been leery about all of the smart devices one can install in one's home.

  5. I love these twisty, turns books too, especially when they keep me guessing right up to the end.

  6. My favorite genre, thanks for the giveaway!

  7. i would love to read this book! thank you for the giveaway!


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