Monday, February 3, 2020

Giveaway - Framed - S.L. McInnis

Happy Monday! Let's brighten the day up with a great giveaway! Framed by S. L McInnis releases tomorrow - and I have a copy to giveaway to one lucky reader!

What's it about? From Grand Central Publishing:

"How much can you trust your closest friend?

Beth Montgomery seems to have the perfect life: a beautiful house in the hills above Los Angeles, a handsome, ambitious husband, and plans of starting a family. So it doesn’t occur to her to worry when the news breaks of a quadruple homicide across town, a botched drug deal that leaves an undercover officer among the dead. Beth certainly would never think to tie the murders to the sudden reappearance in her life of wild, sexy Cassie Ogilvy, the estranged best friend she hasn’t seen since they were college roommates.

As Cassie confidently settles into Beth’s new life, making herself comfortable not only in Beth’s guestroom but with her husband as well, it becomes increasingly clear that her old friend has a lot to hide. But it isn’t until a shocking late-night phone call, and Cassie’s even more startling disappearance, that Beth begins to understand that her world, as she knew it, is gone forever.

Unfurling over the span of three fraught, heart-pounding days, McInnis’s masterful suspense debut is fast-paced and diabolically unpredictable–a fresh, surprising, and powerfully smart twist on the traditional thriller." Read an excerpt of Framed.

"S.L. McInnis was born in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada in 1963. She has a degree in Broadcasting and has worked in public television and radio. Like the main character in Framed, she studied music for years. When not reading or writing, she binges crime dramas and true crime documentaries. She lives in Toronto with her husband, once a TV-Vice President, now a chef. Framed is her suspense debut. She's currently working on a true crime thriller and is also outlining the sequel to Framed."You can like S. L. McInnis on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.

If you'd like to read Framed, enter for a chance to win a copy using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to US and Canada, no PO boxes please. Ends Feb 15/20.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for this intriguing book which I would enjoy.

  2. You've piqued my interest. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I enjoy thrillers that keep me reading and this book is already on my TBR. Thanks for the chance!

  4. Sounds like a good, breakneck speed pace thriller. Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. Sounds interesting, would like to know more!


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