Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Over the Counter #414

What book caught my eye this week as it passed over the library counter and under my scanner? One that many of us will connect with....

Take Care, Son: The Story of My Dad and his Dementia by Tony Husband.

From Little Brown Books:

"Hi Dad . . . can we have a chat about your dementia . . . Can you remember how it started?

When Ron Husband started to forget things - dates, names, appointments . . . daft things, important things - it took a while to realize that this was 'a different form of forgetting'. But it was just the first sign of the illness that gradually took him away from the family he loved.

This is the touching, illustrated story of Tony's father and how dementia slowly took him away from his family. The title is a reference to his last words to his son - on a day when Tony had spent the day in the care home with no sign of recognition. The book is framed as a chat between Tony and his dad, who fades away through the last few pages of the book."

(Over the Counter is a regular feature at A Bookworm's World. I've sadly come the realization that I cannot physically read every book that catches my interest as it crosses over my counter at the library. But...I can mention them and maybe one of them will catch your eye as well. See if your local library has them on their shelves!)

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