Thursday, August 29, 2019

Lost You - Haylen Beck

I enjoyed Haylen Beck's previous book, Here and Gone. (my review) I happily added Lost You to my TBR list.

Lost You starts off with a great prologue to set the plot. Two women and one little boy - with both claiming they are his mother. From that start we head back to the beginning, meeting Lilly who desperately wants a child. She is unable to have children, so she and her husband seek out a surrogate agency. They are paired with a surrogate named Anna.

Yup, you can see the problems that might arise right? Beck does a great job of telling the story from both women's perspectives. Both were well drawn and easily provoke a reaction from the reader.  My heart was firmly with one of them. The other one? Oh, it's not hard to dislike her. At all. Mr. Kovac, the representative for the agency is frightening in his politeness.

The tension grows exponentially as the baby's birth draws nearer. And yes, some of the situations require the reader to suspend disbelief (which I happily did). I thought I had guessed what the ending might be, but was proven wrong. I can't say it's the ending I wanted, but it's the right one.

Beck's writing reads like a screenplay, fast-paced, quick and with the obligatory twists a suspense novel needs.  I was looking for an escapist summer read and found it in Lost You. Read an excerpt of Lost You. Film rights have been sold for Beck's first book and I can see the same happening for Lost You.

Haylen Beck is a pseudonym for a well known crime author, whose books I have enjoyed in the past.


  1. I'd be willing to give this one a try since you were able to suspend disbelief.

  2. I wanted some escapist action reading Bermudaonion and this one fit the bill!

  3. Louanne - I read this in one day and all I can say is HOLY COW!!

  4. It was a page turner, wasn't it Deb?!


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