Tuesday, February 19, 2019

I Owe You One - Sophie Kinsella

Sophie Kinsella's books are the perfect antidote for dreary days. Light, fun and fluffy. I Owe You One is newly released and it happily kept me company over the course of a very cold, gray winter's Sunday afternoon.

Fixie Farr, her mom and her two siblings run the family business, a housewares store. Well, it's pretty much Fixie - the relationships between her and her brother and sister are fractious to say the least. But, as her father always said - family first. And Fixie has lived by that tenet.

Where did she get that name? She wasn't born a Fixie, but she can't help fixing things for almost everyone. Except herself.....

Fixie is a wonderfully engaging lead character. You can't help but like her and root for her. But the more she tries to fix things, the worse things get. Handsome strangers, old flames, misunderstandings, missteps, family quarrels - and of course the will they/won't they romance plot.

The supporting cast is lots of fun as well. The 'negative' characters are easy to spot. (and very easy to dislike) I laughed out loud many times at the antics and dialogue of the shop assistants.

And yes, the outcome is pretty much a given, but it's the journey there that is so much fun to read. Kinsella's books are engaging, entertaining, humourous and a perfect pick me up. Read an excerpt of I Owe You One.


  1. I haven't read one of her books in a while but agree they are fun.

  2. Bermudaonion they are indeed entertaining!

  3. I have only read her Shopaholic series (so fun.)

  4. Dianna - I've read them all. I like the Shopaholic ones, except for the last two. This latest is fun though.


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