Monday, January 14, 2019

Giveaway - Everything Here is Beautiful - Mira T. Lee

The new paperback edition of Mira T. Lee's highly praised debut novel - Everything Here is Beautiful - releases January 15/19 - and I have a copy to giveaway to one lucky reader!

What's it about? From Penguin Books:

"A dazzling novel of two sisters and their emotional journey through love, loyalty, and heartbreak.

Two Chinese-American sisters - Miranda, the older, responsible one, always her younger sister’s protector; Lucia, the headstrong, unpredictable one, whose impulses are huge and, often, life changing. When Lucia starts hearing voices, it is Miranda who must find a way to reach her sister. Lucia impetuously plows ahead, but the bitter constant is that she is, in fact, mentally ill. Lucia lives life on a grand scale, until, inevitably, she crashes to earth.

Miranda leaves her own self-contained life in Switzerland to rescue her sister again - but only Lucia can decide whether she wants to be saved. The bonds of sisterly devotion stretch across oceans - but what does it take to break them?

Everything Here Is Beautiful is, at its heart, an immigrant story, and a young woman’s quest to find fulfillment and a life unconstrained by her illness. But it’s also an unforgettable, gut-wrenching story of the sacrifices we make to truly love someone - and when loyalty to one’s self must prevail over all." Read an excerpt of Everything Here is Beautiful. Book clubs - there's also a reading guide.

"Mira T. Lee’s work has been published in numerous quarterlies and reviews, including The Missouri Review, The Southern Review, Harvard Review, and Triquarterly. She was awarded an Artist’s Fellowship by the Massachusetts Cultural Council in 2012, and has twice received special mention for the Pushcart Prize. She is a graduate of Stanford University, and currently lives with her husband and two children in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This is her debut novel." You can connect with Mira T. Lee on her website, like her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.

And if you'd like to read Everything Here is Beautiful, enter to win a copy using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to US only, ends January 26/19.


  1. It sounds like an amazing book, and one I would enjoy reading.

  2. Thanks for this memorable and emotional novel.

  3. Apt title, it does sound like a beautiful story. Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. Sounds like a good story of family.

  5. I would love to read this book—thanks for the chance to win a copy!

    Sheila K.


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