Thursday, August 9, 2018

Day of the Dead - Nicci French

Nicci French is the author of the Freida Klein series. Freida is an enigmatic psychologist who has drawn the interest of a serial killer named Dean Reeve. French has written seven previous books with this pair, each with a puzzling crime. The tension and danger has built over the course of those seven books, with an endgame drawing near. That last book is here - Day of the Dead. (To fully appreciate and enjoy this series, start with the first book - Blue Monday.)

Day of the Dead starts off without Freida and I wondered how she would be introduced into the storyline. (Faithful readers of this series will remember how the last book ended...) And when Dean Reeve would make an appearance.

I have always enjoyed Freida as a lead character - her quiet way of speaking and listening, considering everything, yet giving nothing away. The fierce, loyal group of friends she has built are just as enjoyable. I'm drawn to recent addition Josef and his son Alexie.

The crimes and the solving of are always well done. The lost rivers of London, England have played a part in previous books and are part of this book as well. I took a break from reading to search for more about this piece of history.

The path to the final pages is populated with lots of questions, narrow escapes, culminating in a finale that has been building over the course of many years. The outcome? Sorry, you're going to have to read the book for that answer! Here's an excerpt of Day of the Dead.

And the title? "She knew it would be over soon. She knew it was the endgame at last, the day of the dead." A bit of me hopes that this isn't really the end....I'd love more Frieda and friends please Nicci and Sean!

Nicci French is the pseudonym of English wife-and-husband team Nicci Gerrard and Sean French. Their acclaimed novels of psychological suspense have sold more than 8 million copies around the world. You can follow them on Facebook as well as on Twitter. See what others on the TLC book tour thought - full schedule can be found here.

I received this book for review from HarperCollins and TLC Book Tours.


  1. I can't believe I've never read any of these books.

  2. I love this series and have read every book. I toyed with idea of rereading the previous ones or listening to them, but I think I'll just dive in. I'm ready to have a reckoning with Dean Reave. Love Frieda, love her team of friends and loved ones. And, Luanne, I'm pretty sure that the authors are through with the story. Maybe not, but....I'm sad about that too.

  3. I was really pleased with this ending. Part of me wants to see more from these characters, but I'd be happy with a new series from these two authors!

  4. Bermudaonion - they're pretty darn good! But start with the first book for sure!

    Kay - drat - I was hoping for more. But I too have enjoyed every book.

    Ethan - a new series would be great - fingers crossed!

  5. I love series like this! I don't know why I haven't started this one...


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