Monday, January 15, 2018

I Know My Name- C.J. Cooke - Review AND Giveaway!

I Know My Name is the debut novel of C.J. Cooke. And I have a copy to giveaway to one lucky reader!

The book opens in 2015. A woman is washed up on an isolated Greek island. She has no idea who she is or what she was doing when her boat wrecked on the island's rocky shore. And in England a man is frantic - his wife has gone missing, leaving her two small children behind.

The reader is privy to more than either lead character. We know what is happening in the England investigation. And what is happening on Kommeno Island. The island is not completely deserted, as we discover that there are four other people on the island. Their behavior is odd and they seem determined to keep our unnamed woman with them. "The only way to get off this island is to remember."

I always enjoy a back and forth narrative - it's guaranteed to keep me reading later than I had planned. Cooke inserts a third narrative about a quarter of the way into the book. It is set in 1983 - and explains much. With that information, I had a strong inkling as to how the two 2015 narratives would connect. I was partially right, but Cooke throws in a twist at the end.

I found myself drawn more to the London search than the time on the island. Perhaps because there were numerous characters and more happening. I found the island scenes and dialogue very off kilter with it's decidedly strange inhabitants. Things did make more sense in the run up to the final answer. That ending goes on a bit longer than I would have preferred. Now, being deliberately oblique - Cooke uses those last chapters to 'educate' the reader. While I appreciate this, it was more than I wanted as the pieces had already been put together. Warning to gentle readers - there are some disturbing elements to this tale.

I Know My Name is a good debut - here's an excerpt. If you too would like to read I Know My Name, enter to win a copy using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to US and Canada, no PO boxes please. Ends January 27/17.


  1. I like that kind of narrative too. This sounds good to me. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Thanks for this intriguing and unique book which I would enjoy. The narrative interests me greatly.

  3. I saw this one recently and thought it might be good. Good to hear your thoughts on it.

  4. So many books are being written about the 1980s time period. It makes me feel old! haha

  5. "Do you think you would ever send in an object and a story?" I suspect this question refers to another book! Anyway, the C.J. Cooke book looks good!

  6. I love books with twists, this one sounds fascinating!

  7. It sounds like a great mystery, and I really like the settings. I can't wait to read it. Thanks for this chance.

  8. A book with a good storyline,I would love to read it .

  9. Sounds intriguing. Thanks for the review and the giveaway.

  10. I failed to snag an ARC of this one, so I'm excited at the chance to win it!

  11. I love a book with intrigue that keeps you guessing and unraveling. Please give me a chance too. :) Thanks!

  12. This book would be perfect for vacation read!

  13. Thanks for the great giveaway, sounds like a fantastic read!


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