Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Two Kinds of Truth - Michael Connelly

Two Kinds of Truth is the 22nd book in Michael Connelly's Harry Bosch series. And although I have enjoyed each and every one of those previous books, I have to say that this latest is a stand out for me.

Harry is still working as a volunteer cold case detective for the San Fernando Police Department. But when two pharmacists are murdered, Harry is called upon to help out the small three person detective unit. Connelly takes inspiration for this case from current headlines - pill mills, organized crime and addiction. His plotting for this case is absolutely addicting.

Now I say 'this case' as there is another. Exiled from the LAPD, Harry has moved on. Bu,t he's pulled back into the past when a convict on death row accuses Harry of framing him - and new evidence seems to prove that. Can Harry prove his innocence? "In his career, he had chased down hundreds of killers and put them in prison. If he was wrong about one, then it would put the lie to everything else." Another fantastic - and clever - plot line. There are some harrowing twists in the solving of this case and I worried about Harry's making it out alive.

Harry is run ragged trying to work both the double murder and trying to clear his name. Mickey Haller (The Lincoln Lawyer and Harry's half brother) makes an appearance. I love the crossover appearances.

At one point, Harry's age is mentioned - he's over sixty five. (which surprised me as I see him as timeless) Connelly has kept this series moving along in real time both professionally and personally for Harry. Daughter Maddie is also heard from.

Harry is an eminently likeable lead character. His tenacity, his doggedness and just who he is have made him one of my favourite detectives. Connelly's supporting cast is always well drawn as well. I have a fondness for Lourdes, the lone female detective in the squad.

The origins for a book's title always intrigue me. In this case it's from Harry..."He knew there were two kinds of truth in this world. The truth that was the unalterable bedrock of one's life and mission. And the other, malleable truth of politicians, charlatans, corrupt lawyer, and their clients, bent and molded to serve whatever purpose was at hand."

There's no doubt as to Harry's truth. I binge read Two Kinds of Truth and finished it far too quickly - but it was so very, very good! Absolutely recommended! Read an excerpt of Two Kinds of Truth.

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