Monday, November 6, 2017

Don't Let Go - Harlan Coben

I get so excited when I see that a favourite author is releasing a new book. I've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Harlan Coben's latest - Don't Let Go. And as always, I couldn't put it down - and finished it far too quickly.

Don't Let Go is a stand alone novel and introduces us to New Jersey Detective Nap Dumas. (I would love to see more of Nap in future books) Nap's twin brother Leo and his girlfriend were tragically killed when they all were in high school. It was deemed an accident, but Nap has always wondered. Leo and his friends were fascinated by the highly guarded government facility just outside of town. Could there be a connection? Just around the same time Nap's high school sweetheart Maura disappeared. For years Nap has been trying to come to terms with the deaths and the disappearance.

And then the past comes crashing into the present when Maura's fingerprints are found at a murder scene smack dab in Nap's jurisdiction. Where has she been? Where is she now?

I liked Nap as a character - he's sworn to uphold the law, but doesn't mind giving things a little nudge to get where they should be. He's got a dangerous edge that is hidden. In addition to a great lead character, the supporting players are just as well drawn and interesting. Even those that don't actually have a voice. Without giving anything away, I had formed an opinion of one character and found myself quite surprised when my assumptions were proven wrong.

Myron Bolitar's cameo was a treat to come across. Those who know and love Myron will mention the sense of humour of that series. Dark as it seems, Coben has infused humour into Don't Let Go as well. You'll also find a lot of well expressed and explored emotions - loss, love, grief, anger and more along the way.

The plot of Don't Let Go is quite inventive and takes inspiration from actual (and disturbing) events in Coben's own past. Don't Let Go was another satisfying read from Coben - read an excerpt. Can't wait for the next book!


  1. As recently as this book was published, I found a copy at a used book store--on October 31, before it even came out! I haven't read it yet, though. I just finished another book and have a pile of books to read. I wonder which should be next. This one?

  2. I like the way he uses humor to break up the tension. This sounds like another winner from Coben.


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