Thursday, March 23, 2017

Giveaway - The Excellent Lombards - Jane Hamilton

The Excellent Lombards by Jane Hamilton releases in paperback on April 4th - and I have a copy to giveaway to one lucky reader!

From Grand Central Publishing:

"Mary Frances "Frankie" Lombard is fiercely in love with her family's sprawling apple orchard and the tangled web of family members who inhabit it. Content to spend her days planning capers with her brother William, competing with her brainy cousin Amanda, and expertly tending the orchard with her father, Frankie desires nothing more than for the rhythm of life to continue undisturbed. But she cannot help being haunted by the historical fact that some family members end up staying on the farm and others must leave. Change is inevitable, and threats of urbanization, disinheritance, and college applications shake the foundation of Frankie's roots. As Frankie is forced to shed her childhood fantasies and face the possibility of losing the idyllic future she had envisioned for her family, she must decide whether loving something means clinging tightly or letting go. A new classic from the author of Oprah's Book Club picks A Map of the World and The Book of Ruth." Read an excerpt of The Excellent Lombards.

This is the book Jane Hamilton was born to write... [it is] magnificent." - Ann Patchett, New York Times bestselling author of Commonwealth

"Jane Hamilton's novels have won literary prizes, been made into films, and become international bestsellers; and two of them, The Book of Ruth and A Map of the World, were selections of Oprah's Book Club. Her nonfiction has appeared in the New York Times; Washington Post; Allure; O, The Oprah Magazine; Elle; and various anthologies. She's married to an apple farmer and lives in Wisconsin." You can connect with Jane Hamilton on her website.

And if you'd like to read The Excellent Lombards, enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to US and Canada, no PO boxes please. Ends April 8/17.


  1. Sounds like a good read—thanks for the chance to win a copy!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  2. That sounds good and I love the cover!

  3. Thanks for this captivating and interesting novel which I would enjoy greatly.

  4. It looks like a story I would enjoy.

  5. The storyline sounds like a read that I would enjoy very much.

  6. The inner workings of family always makes for interesting reading. I think I'd like to read this book.

  7. A big fan of Jane Hamilton my favorite being "When Madeline Was Young". Thank you for this great giveaway.

  8. Those apples look super-literary and artistic! Thank you for the contest!

  9. I think I would love this book !

  10. Change is inevitable, the main character's dilemma sounds like it would make a great read.


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