Friday, June 10, 2016

You Can't Judge A Book by Its Cover #109

- You can't judge a book by its cover - which is very true. 
 But you can like one cover version better than another....

US cover
UK cover
I love Alex Marwood's books and can't wait to get my hands on her latest, The Darkest Secret. The  US cover is on the left and the UK cover is on the right. The empty little pool ring echoes the story, that there is a missing child,. But I'm not too sure about all those lines. That being said it does illustrated fractures and perhaps lies. The UK cover also brings in a child and water. And a really good tagline! I think this week Im going to go with the UK cover. How about you? Which cover do you prefer?
Any plans to read The Darkest Secret?
 You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover is a regular feature at A Bookworm's World.


  1. I'm not crazy about either one but I'm going with the UK cover too. The "fractures" on the US cover are off-putting to me.

  2. UK cover this week. The US cover wouldn't make me pick it up.

  3. I kind of like the US cover this time, and the U.K. Cover is a little less standout for me.

  4. Also I wonder why US covers usually don't have tagline and the U.K. Covers do?

  5. UK also. Love the seaside cover.

  6. They're both too busy for my taste, but I find the graphic, broken glass, modern quality to the US cover more interesting whereas the UK feels staid. I'll take the one on the left for $100 please Mr. Trebek.


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