Monday, May 23, 2016

Giveaway - Pen and Palate - Lucy Madison and Tram Nguyen

I've a got a great giveaway today for anyone who can connect with food - and friendship!

Pen and Palate: Mastering the Art of Adulthood, with Recipes by Lucy Madison and Tram Nguyen. (Releases May 31/16)

From Grand Central Publishing:

"From the writers of acclaimed blog Pen and Palate, a humorous coming-of-age (and mastering-the-art-of-home-cooking) memoir of friendship, told through stories, recipes, and beautiful illustrations.

Getting through life in your twenties isn't easy--especially if you're broke, awkward, and prone to starting small grease fires in your studio apartment. For best friends Lucy Madison and Tram Nguyen, cooking was an escape from the daily humiliation that is being a twenty-something woman in a big city. Pen and Palate traces the course of Lucy and Tram's devoted friendship through miserable jobs and tiny apartments, first loves and ill-advised flings, successes and setbacks--always with a shared love of food at the center of the narrative. A modern take on Laurie Colwin's classic Home Cooking, this coming-of-age memoir for the Girls set weaves together comical (mis)adventures and recipes meant to be shared with a best friend and a bottle of wine." Read an excerpt of Pen and Palate.

You can connect with Lucy and Tram on:  || Website  ||  Twitter  ||  Facebook  ||

And if you'd like to read Pen and Palate, I have two copies to giveaway! Simply enter to win using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to US and Canada, no PO boxes please. Ends June 4/16.


  1. I'm not familiar with that blog but the book sure sounds good. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Thanks for this lovely feature and giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  3. sounds like a good book, would love to win it! thanks

  4. Doesn't this sound fun?!

  5. This sounds like a lovely book, and a great summer read!


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