Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Orphan X - Gregg Hurwitz

I've enjoyed a number of Gregg Hurwitz's previous books - he has penned quite a few page turning thrillers.

His latest book, Orphan X, has just released. It's the first in a planned series - and I'd say it's off to a great start!

Evan was plucked from an orphanage at twelve by a shadowy arm of the US government - a covert group runs The Orphan Program. Their mandate? To train assassins.

Evan was one of the most successful 'graduates' of the program - until he'd had enough and decided to disappear. Now, he uses his skill set to help those who can't help themselves - he's The Nowhere Man. And that was working - until his past decided to catch up with him. Now, someone has turned the tables and is trying to kill him....

Evan is a strong protagonist - skilled, resourceful, driven - all the characteristics that an action driven lead should possess. But there is a flip side to Evan - he does have a conscience and is determined to protect 'innocents'. It is this flip side that allows the reader to like Evan and hope that he escapes whoever is pursuing him.

And what a pursuit! Action and more action! And all of drawn and depicted so clearly that I could easily picture it in my mind. Hurwitz has done his research as well - there were numerous technological tools and obscure skills used that were well detailed. The story isn't straight forward though - who he can trust is a problem for Evan. Are the innocents he's trying to protect really what they claim? Or are they the assassins sent to kill him? The twists of the plot kept me guessing until the final chapters. The book ends on a nice little unexpected scene that just whets the reader's appetite for the next in the series. If you enjoy the Jason Bourne  and Jack Reacher novels, will enjoy this one.

Read an excerpt of Orphan X. The movie rights to Orphan X have already been snapped up  - Bradley Cooper to produce. You can connect with Gregg Hurwitz on his website, find him on Facebook, and follow him on Twitter.

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