Monday, September 23, 2013

Giveaway - Confessions: The Private School Murders - James Patterson

I've got a great giveaway today, courtesy of the Little, Brown Book Group - a copy of Confessions: The Private School Murders by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro. This is the second book to feature teen sleuth Tandy Angel. AND a custom Confessions tee shirt as well!

From the publisher:

"Wealthy young women are being murdered, and the police aren't looking for answers in the right places. Enter Tandy Angel. Her first case was the mystery of her parents' deaths. Now she's working to exonerate her brother of his girlfriend's homicide. And danger just got closer.

One of the recent victims was a student at Tandy's own elite school. She has a hunch it may be the work of a serial killer... and Tandy perfectly fits the profile of the killer's targets. Can she untangle the mysteries in time? Or will she be the next victim?

James Patterson keeps the confessions coming as Tandy delves deeper into her own tumultuous
history and the skeletons in the Angel family closet." Read an excerpt of Confessions: The Private School Murders.

Catch up with Tandy in the first book in the series - Confessions of a Murder Suspect while you wait for The Private School Murders to release on October 7th.

"On the night Malcolm and Maud Angel are murdered, their daughter Tandy knows just three things: 1) She was one of the last people to see her parents alive. 2) The suspect list only includes Tandy and her three siblings. 3) She can't trust anyone--maybe not even herself.

As Tandy sets out to clear the family name, she begins to recall flashes of experiences long buried in her vulnerable psyche. These memories shed light on her family's dark secrets, and digging deeper into her powerful parents' affairs proves to be a disturbing and dangerous game. Who knows what any of the Angels are truly capable of?" Read an excerpt of Confessions of a Murder Suspect.

You can find the Confessions series on Facebook

To be entered into the giveaway for a copy of Confessions: The Private School Murders AND the tee shirt, simply leave a comment. Open to US only, no PO boxes please. Ends Oct 12/13.


  1. This sounds like a terrific new series. I like the idea of a teenage sleuth - shades of Nancy Drew?


  2. Love James Patterson!


  3. This book would be compelling and unique. Thanks. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  4. Love to read this novel. Thanks for this chance. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  5. I can never pass up a Patterson novel. Count me in!

  6. Absolutely love James Patterson!!

  7. Interesting sounding series

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  8. I love James Patterson's books, and would really enjoy reading this one. Please enter me. Thanks!


  9. Tandy sounds like an interesting heroine.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  10. He's my all time fave author - can't wait to read this new series

    msboatgal at


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