Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wedding Night - Sophie Kinsella

Rainy, cold afternoon? Check. Comfy couch, pot of tea? Check. Perfect time to settle in with the latest by Sophie Kinsella? Absolutely! And so with delicious anticipation I turned to the first page of Wedding Night.

Lottie is 33 years old - she wants to get married and start a family. She's sure that her boyfriend Richard is the one. And she's sure he's going to pop the question - after all it's been three years.

Her sister Fliss has already married and has a beautiful son. But not a beautiful marriage - she's in the midst of an acrimonious divorce.

Well, Richard doesn't pop the question and Lottie runs headlong into the arms of her old flame Ben - and right up to the altar! Fliss is determined to keep Lottie from making what she sees as a terrible mistake. And Ben's friend and business colleague thinks the same. What ensues is a hilarious scheme to sabotage - you guessed it - their Wedding Night.

Kinsella uses both sisters to narrate the book. It was great fun to have not one but two female leads. Their personalities are miles apart, but I found each character quite engaging. Yes, some of the situations are far fetched - but I'm not reading for reality - I'm reading for entertainment. And Wedding Night definitely kept me entertained. It was light and funny and I know I had a smile on my face much of the time.  (This would make such a great rom-com movie)

Pick up a copy of Wedding Night for your beach bag this summer! Read an excerpt.

For me, Sophie Kinsella is the Queen of Chick Lit. You can find Sophie on Facebook


  1. I haven't read any Kinsella in a while but her books are always a treat!

  2. I just read my first Sophie Kinsella book. I can't say I loved it, but I did enjoy the end.

  3. Kathy - they're just fun fluffy reading for the front porch.

    Carol - I always think rom com movie when I read her books and imagine what actress I would cast as the lead.

  4. You're right, this would make a good rom-com movie! Now who would we cast as Lottie?


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