Thursday, June 21, 2012

Gone Missing - Linda Castillo - Review AND Giveaway

Linda Castillo's latest release - Gone Missing - is the fourth book in her popular Kate Burkholder series.

Kate is the Chief of Police in Painters Mill, Ohio, home to a large Amish population. Kate herself was raised Amish but has chosen to leave and lives as an "Englischer".  Her background makes her invaluable in dealing with the Amish community.

State Agent John Tomasetti asks Kate to consult on a case he's working - a missing teenage Amish girl. As they delve deeper into the case, it appears there are more missing Amish teenagers. But have they met with foul play? Or are they experiencing Rumspringa - a time when young Amish can 'sow their wild oats' with no repercussions before deciding if they will commit to the community.

Castillo combines many elements, making her books easy, interesting and engaging reads. First off, Kate is a very likeable character. She is respected by her staff, respects the Amish and comes across as a 'real' person. She is conflicted about many things in her personal life, most notably her burgeoning relationship with Agent Tomasetti. This definitely adds some 'spice' to the novel.

The case is a good whodunit. I do wonder if these crimes (because some of them are quite ugly) do happen in the Amish community? Is Castillo basing her plots on facts or creative license?

The pacing is quite quick, with lots of action - especially at the end. (which was a good gotcha as well)

Those looking for a hard bitten crime novel won't find it here. But those looking for a easy, engaging summer read will enjoy Gone Missing. Fans of  Julie Garwood and Tess Gerritsen would enjoy this character.  The first book in the series, Sworn to Silence, will soon be a two-hour original movie starring Neve Campbell as Kate Burkholder.   You can find Linda Castillo on Facebook.

Sound like something you'd enjoy? Well, you can read an excerpt of Gone Missing......


....enter to win one of two copies I have up for grabs, courtesy of St. Martin's Press! Open to US only, ends July 17/12. Good luck!


  1. I have always been fascinated by the Amish way of life. Please enter me!

  2. This sounds very good. I read a couple of Amish related books a year or so ago, learned about 'rumspringa' - thanks for the giveaway.

  3. I love to read Amish fiction and mysteries both! I had always thought that 'rumspringa might not be as safe as thought before. This book makes perfect sense! I would love to read it.


  4. I sure hope Castillo is using creative license. I don't want my image of the Amish to be tarnished.

  5. Thank you for another interesting suggestion...

    "The implements of the little feast had been disposed upon
    the lawn of an old English country-house, in what I should
    call the perfect middle of a splendid summer afternoon."

    ~Henry James, "The Portrait of a Lady"

  6. Thanks for this interesting and intriguing giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  7. This author has written many excellent novels set in Amish country. Many thanks. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  8. This sounds like a fascinating book/series by a top-notch author. Adding 4 more books to my wishlist!

  9. Gone Missing sounds very interesting. Thanks for letting me know about a series of which I was previously unaware. I be very pleased if I could win a copy. Thanks.


  10. Please consider me for the contest! Thank you.

  11. I would love a copy, but am intrigued enough to check out the local library to see if I can find this series...

  12. I would love to read this book! Sounds like just the type I love. Please enter me!


  13. I would love a chance to win! Theis is a great series...

  14. I love this series! I think I've read each book in a day!

  15. I just recently started reading Amish fiction and really enjoy it
    msboatgal at

  16. The Amish lifestyle just makes a book so interesting.

  17. Sounds interesting - I do like books with Amish characters/themes - please enter me -

  18. The Amish are a fascinating people! I'd love to read this one, I have always enjoyed Miss Castillo's books.

    mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

  19. I think the Amish aspect makes this Kate B. novel sound very good! Thanks for the chance to win!

  20. I do enjoy Julie Garwoods stories and this looks like an interesting story.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  21. I love books like these...where there is an element of mystery, but the book is still refreshing and not too heavy. Plus, I enjoy both mysteries and Amish fiction, so this would be absolutely PERFECT! Thank you SO much for this opportunity to win/read Linda Castillo's work :D

    Name: Hira Hasnain
    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com

  22. Sounds like an awesome book! Thanks for the giveaway!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  23. I really like Amish fiction and this looks like a very interesting book.

  24. I would love to read this book—thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  25. I love to read and this looks like a great book. Thanks for the chance!
    reklaw422 at hotmail dot com

  26. I enjoyed two of her previous books, thanks for the opportunity!

  27. I enjoy reading Amish fiction but most of those have a romantic slant - definitely interesting to read an Amish mystery!
    tmyoung at rochester dot rr dot com


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