Thursday, May 26, 2011

Over the Counter #56

The latest book to catch my eye this week as it passed over my library counter and under my scanner was The 10 Best of Everything - An Ultimate Guide for Travelers 2E by Nathaniel and Andrew Lande. Because, really - who doesn't want to know what the 10 best are? And list books are addictive....

From the publisher National Geographic:

This deluxe, entertaining dream guide showcases the experience and savoir-faire of such luminaries as Prince Charles on architecture, Arnold Palmer on favorite golf courses, Luciano Pavarotti on opera houses, and Baron Philip de Rothschild on the best vintages. Scores of experts name the 10 best islands, poshest pubs and polo clubs, best things to do on Sundays afternoons in the world's best cities, and a treasure trove of musts for the high-end traveler or anyone who aspires to be.

The new Grand Tour includes 20 classic adventures, all experienced by the veteran travelers, with lush and enticing journeys to the Amalfi Coast, Great Barrier Reef, Shanghai, the Greek Isles, Antarctica, and more.

Studded with colorful illustrations, cosmopolitan sidebars, and savvy tips, as well as a wealth of options for getting there via land, sea, or air, this elegant and sophisticated book will awaken yearnings for exotic travel in readers everywhere."

(Over the Counter is a regular feature at A Bookworm's World. I've sadly come the realization that I cannot physically read every book that catches my interest as it crosses over my counter at the library. But... I can mention them and maybe one of them will catch your eye as well. See if your local library has them on their shelves!)


  1. Another great book. I have to say you have a fantastic library with such great titles. I wish mine was like that,

    Thanks for sharing this feature with us.

  2. Oh MAN this is a good one. LOVE NatGeo. Good stuff!

  3. Cindy - I'm so glad you enjoy this feature. And yest - I do work at a wonderful library!

    Pam - NatGeo is amazing! You can sit for hours just browsing their books.


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