Monday, November 29, 2010

Dead Head - Rosemary Harris

Rosemary Harris is an author new to me. She pens the 'A Dirty Business' mystery series featuring Paula Holliday. Paula runs a one woman landscaping business in the small New England town of Springfield. Paula has also gained a reputation as an amateur sleuth in the previous two books in this series - Pushing Up Daisies and The Big Dirt Nap.

Dead Head finds Paula knee deep in dirt again. A local (wealthy) woman, Caroline, has proposed a business partnership with Paula. But before Paula can make a decision, Caroline is arrested. Can she really be an escaped prisoner who has been on the lam for the last twenty years?

While I enjoyed the unravelling and mystery of Caroline's past, it was the characters I enjoyed the most in this book. Paula is an intriguing, engaging lead. I like her outlook on life. But I must admit - I am enamored with one of the secondary characters. Babe, owner of the Paradise Diner is herself a mystery just waiting to be plumbed. Her attitude and dialogue just struck a chord with me. The diner is a perfect venue for introducing some interesting characters, such as the truckers who stop in. There's unresolved romantic tension as well between Paula and local cop Mike O'Malley.

There were italicized first person chapters from Caroline inserted throughout the book. While they did go towards explaining the plot/past, I'm not sure they worked for me.

Those who enjoy the cozy, amateur sleuth genre will 'dig' this charming series. I'm sure there's more crime to be 'unearthed' in Springfield.

Read the first chapter of Dead Head.


  1. Oh this is neat! I'm not a big mystery type but my mom would love love love this! Thanks for the heads up. Yay for Christmas shopping!

  2. Thanks for the kind words! I'm busy finishing a new Dirty Business mystery (SlugFest, April 2011)that takes Paula Holliday to New York for a fictional flower show.
    If you like Babe, please check out my website - there's a free short story about Babe that's a prequel to my first book, Pushing Up Daisies.

  3. I love mysteries and especially cozies. What is better, a warm blanket,hot cocoa and a cozy. I tried to win this book in an earlier contest and was so disappointed.


  4. This one sounds interesting. I just ordered ten books today, but perhaps for my wish list???


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