Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Street Boners - Gavin McInnes

Subtitled: 1,764 Hipster Fashion Jokes.

And it's all in pictures....

Gavin McInnes was the originating force behind Vice Magazine's Do'sand Dont's list for 13 years. He now runs With the print version Street Boners, he continues his critique of street fashion. A kitty head rating system of 1-10 is employed and there is a comment on every photo. He opens the book with an interview conducted by himself with himself. Also included are articles describing the history of fashion and fashion in various cities - New York, London and Montreal.

McInnes has an incredibly biting wit. Nothing is sacred, all who dare to have their photo taken are skewered. For this middle aged reader, some of the comments and language were a bit over the top and frequently involved McInnes' genitals. But a lot of them were laugh out loud funny too. Street Boners is probably better suited for the younger crowd. Although I must admit, I had lots of fun checking out the 'fashion' shots! One of those books you can pick up and leaf through rather than an all in one read.

Wondering about those pictures? You can read an excerpt of Street Boners.

Want to read it for yourself? You've got until Saturday June 19th to enter to win one of three copies.


  1. I looked at the excerpt, and I don't think this book is for me!

  2. Huh... I've seen this around but I wasn't sure what it was. I figured it was fiction.


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