Monday, October 26, 2009

Work related, but very fun...

Ha! How cool is this? Friday, (my last day of work before holidays) I attended a library conference on reader's advisory skills and tools. And the guest speaker at lunch? None other than Kelley Armstrong! She read from her first book The Summoning in the young adult Darkest Powers series. It is so neat to hear an author read their own words. (And I got an autographed, personalized copy)

Also, George of Bookninja, a wonderfully acerbic (his words) blog packed with news of the publishing world, was a featured speaker. Very entertaining and again, great to 'meet' the face associated with the words. You really have to check out this Canadian blogger.

And lastly I got to meet fellow blogger Melanie of The Indextrious Reader. Again, how wonderful to put a face to the words! She had terrible train luck though, delayed an hour and a half. In the rush to get the train back, I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. Hope you had a better trip home Melanie. (She was delayed an hour and a half on the train on the way in!)

Was it worth getting up at 430 am for? Absolutely!


  1. Wow, that was definitely a great day at work!

  2. I love Kelley Armstrong`s books!!! 4:30 or not, someone made out pretty good.... I`m jealous! lol

  3. Sounds great and how fun that you got to meet another blogger!

  4. Luanne I am so happy you got to meet up with some bloggers. I know have added those two to my blog roll.

    Isn't Kelley great? I enjoyed meeting her to.

  5. Yes, it was a great day, lots of interest to learn. Wish I could have heard George (thanks Via.) It was wonderful to meet you too - sorry about slipping out with a farewell - no need to hurry, as I had even worse luck on the way home. The train was delayed FOUR & 1/2 hrs - got home after a 6 hr. trip, sigh.

  6. That does sound very cool. I would love to have a day at work like that!

  7. Sounds like a good time! George is the best.

  8. Sounds like a great time. I wish my job involved things like that.


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