Wednesday, October 28, 2009

In Color - Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams is perhaps best known for his stunning black and white nature and landscape photography.

During his lifetime, Adams never fully embraced color photography as he did the black and white. Part of that reason was the poor quality of color reproductions at the time. He did save thousands of transparencies though.

The first edition of In Color was published in 1993. With the advances and evolution in computer and digital technology, this new version is just released. The Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust has entrusted Little, Brown and Company as the only authentic publisher of Adams' works, since 1976.

Included in this book are fascinating essays by Adams, espousing his views and struggles to accept and master color photography. Personal notes and letters give us an intimate view of this iconic photographer.

What captured me the most of course were the photographs. I'm not much of a photographer, but I was enthralled by his eye. Each of the pictures deserves and demands to be spent time with, to fully appreciate his talent.

My favourites were Tree Barn Hills C. 1950 and Sunset, Alaska C. 1948. There is one city landscape included that I really enjoyed as well - View From Beaumont and Nancy Newhall's Apartment 0n 56th Street, New York, new York , C. 1942. The facades of upper windows in a straight line amidst all the business behind captured me. There are over 50 stunning prints reproduced.

In 1983 Adams wrote " I don't like photographic color. If anyone thinks there is "hope" for my transparencies, let them fuss with them."

I am glad that someone 'fussed.' The genius of Adams shines through, color or not. A wonderful 'coffee table' book that any art or photography lover would enjoy. The photographs are timeless and remind us of how beautiful our world is.


  1. Wow. Wow. Wow! I love Adams on a normal Black and white day but this looks really incredible. I hate to do something that the artist would hate with his own work but if it was more about the fuss and quality, then I'm all for it, especially if it's that pretty!

  2. This looks like a book for me. It helps not only am I a book nut and reviewer, but am also an amateur photographer.

    Great review!

  3. No one can match Adams photographic talent. I bet this book is stunning.

  4. WOW, can't even imagine Ansel Adams' work in color. That's so stunning- thanks for blogging about this one :-)

  5. I loved this book. The pictures are just breath-taking.


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