Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Run for Your Life - James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge (audioformat)

Well I really doubt that there is anyone who hasn't heard of James Patterson. He is one of the best selling authors of all time. He has numerous series and co authors with a number of writers.

Run for Your Life was co written with Michael Ledwidge and features NYPD Detective Michael Bennett. Bennett's wife Maeve died, leaving him to raise their adopted brood of ten children. A lot of the story focuses on his family and the children. But the bad guy in this crime thriller is The Teacher - he's out to teach the citizens of New York City some manners. And in quite a definitive manner - by killing those that he's thinks have treated him rudely.

I listened to this in audio format. There were two readers - Bobby Cannavale, as Bennett and Dallas Roberts as The Teacher. Cannavale has a wonderful New York accent that seemed to personify the character. Roberts sinister, sarcastic, sibilant delivery was perfect for the serial killer. Also adding to the audio experience were sound effects and music to heighten certain scenes.

You know what you're getting with a Patterson tale. A quick, entertaining read that will keep you turning pages (or listening). Perfect to listen to while you multi task!

Listen to an audio clip of Run for Your Life from the Hachette Book Group.


  1. I haven't listened to any of Patterson's books, but I do agree that they're quick and entertaining. Nothing too deep with them.

  2. I've got this one to listen to as well. I like Patterson's books just because. They're easy and entertaining.

  3. I love Bobby Cannavale. He was one of my favorites on "Third Watch." I haven't read any of the books in this series, but now I'm tempted to listen to the audio versions.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  4. I have not read this book yet, but my mom sent me her review to post on the blog, and she has more patterson reviews on their way with books in tow! LOL

    I'm glad you enjoyed this one...I really like listening to Patterson's books.


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